Friday, January 21, 2011

Tony Tail!

Tony Tail

What a great shopping find for hair, the Tony Tail! Made exclusively for Sephora this ponytail holder is perfect for a sophisticated ponytail look without all the fuss of trying to pin your hair around your everyday ponytail holder (believe me I've tried and failed this look so many times... the bobby pins never stay).  This is only $9 and it comes in shades to match all hair colors.  Makes for a great style in seconds!
Shop here:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No time (or just too lazy) to wash hair?

This product is a GREAT beauty find. I have long hair that takes an insane amount of time to wash, dry, and curl. This helps me shorten the time it takes to get ready in the morning, which for someone that likes their sleep is a must! It is great for freshening up your hair 1, 2 or even 3 days after washing it! It prevents that greasy feeling AND makes it easy to style.   A steal at under $5. Hard to find in grocery stores so I recommend Target.

Monday, January 10, 2011

iPhone case MADE for easy shopping

This was one of the many shopping finds that inspired this blog. The Callet is an iPhone case and wallet all in one.  Perfect for holding a few credit cards, license or cash.  Great for running in to a store purse-free or throwing in your clutch for a night out.  Better yet, very reasonable at only $14.99.  It is made for the iPhone and Blackberry and comes in multiple colors.   Now if they only had a version with lip gloss holder, it would be all a girl ever needs.